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Genceutic Naturals Milk Thistle (350mg) 60 caps

Quick Overview

Derived from a 100% certified organic, chemical-free, and non-GMO milk thistle material, Genceutic Naturals Milk Thistle contains advanced bio-active flavonolignan compounds and delivers liver and digestive health support, i.e. provides liver protection and detoxification support, relieves occasional stomach pain or indigestion, and supports the production of glutathione, one of the body's most powerful antioxidants.
Milk thistle has been primarily known for its liver-supporting properties, even back about 2000 years ago. It contains silymarin, a research-proven flavonoid known to provide the liver with antioxidant protection against damaging free radicals and to increase glutathione levels in the body. Also, this herb has long been used as a digestive aid.

Availability: In stock
