Tribulus terrestris has been used for centuries in ancient Greece, India and Africa to support fertility and rejuvenate the body. Recent scientific studies indicate that, although it actually contains no hormones, Tribulus helps to support healthy hormone production and male reproductive health. Tribulus has been used by some of the world’s most elite athletes, but may be used by the recreational athlete as well.
Tribulus terrestris is a plant that grows in many tropical and moderate areas of the world. Many different cultures have used it for a number of conditions. Tribulus (puncture vine) is a vine that has been used as a general tonic (energy) and herbal treatment for impotence, but is found primarily in dietary supplements marketed for increasing testosterone levels in bodybuilders and power athletes.
Tribulus terrestris is a testosterone enhancer that leads to the production of the luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH levels are increased, the natural production of testosterone also increases. LH is a hormone that also deals with sex drive. Laboratory animal studies found that Tribulus terrestris increased sperm count as well as motility levels after taking it for 30 days.
Our minimum 45% saponin content makes NOW Tribulus one of the most potent formulas available.
• Supports healthy testosterone production
• increases sex drive
• rejuvenates the body
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