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Allergy Research Group International Yalacta - Stabilium 200 30 caps

Quick Overview

ALLERGY RESEARCH GROUP International Yalacta Stabilium will help users to manage stress and support healthy sleep patterns, vigor, memory and mood. ALLERGY RESEARCH GROUP International Yalacta Stabilium uses an extract known as Garum Armoricum, which originates from the fish Molva dypterygia. The Molva dypterygia are located in deep waters off the Armorican peninsula of Brittany. Garum Armoricum was originally used by the ancient Celts of Armorica, Ireland and by the ancient Romans, as a food enhancement to help prevent physical and emotional stress. Studies have shown that ALLERGY RESEARCH GROUP International Yalacta Stabilium helps users to handle stress that can be caused by work or personal life. This product does not contain any preservatives, diluents or artificial additives. ALLERGY RESEARCH GROUP International Yalacta Stabilium is a healthy way to improve your stress management everyday.

Availability: In stock
